h                    h

          Af - ter  mid-night
                                                 Riff 2
   F               G                      D (play riff2 twice)
      we're gon-na let it all___    hang   out
      gon-na     shake your tam  -  bour - ine

    D                           F               G
        Af-ter midİnight           we're gon-na chug-a-lug &
                                 it's gon-na be peaches and

    D (repeat riff twice)  |  D     D       D-D D    |
                           |                         |
    shout     we're gon-na |cause talk and suspicion |
    cream                  |                         |

    F        F       F-F F | G        G        G-G G    |
                           |                            |
   give an  ex-hi-bi-tion  |find out what it is   all a-|Œ

    A     A     A-A  A-A |  D    D          D-D  D |
                         |                         |
   bout.                 |      Af-ter mid- night, |                 

    F    F - F         G           G-G    |   D (riff2 twice)|
                                          |                 |
       we're gon - na let it all___   hang|  out.           |

    D      D            D-D   D| (1. Return to F on line 3)
                               | (2. solo starts)
          Af-ter mid - night   |